Vanessa YiRan (Sayaka) Li (Nagatani)

Vanessa YiRan (Sayaka) Li (Nagatani)


Vanessa YiRan Li is an aspiring scientist working at the intersection of cardiac tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Her multicultural upbringing from Nagoya, Japan and Shanghai, China has inspired her to develop healthcare innovations that lead to a more equitable world. She completed her BA in Chemistry and Sociology at Wellesley College and a MS in Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University where she developed an interest in cardiovascular research. Vanessa is excited to continue her academic career as a Ph.D. student at Columbia University, continuing to focus on the heart by exploring extracellular vesicles as a delivery agent for cardiac regeneration and treating the growing chronic heart disease epidemic. Through the Quad fellowship, she is excited to bridge the gap between science and society, translating scientific discovery from bench to bedside.


Yuka Ikarashi


Quang Vu Dao